Red Deck Dairies Adult Addition 10-24 on Mixify

Red Deck Dairies Adult Addition 10-24

This is for adults, this set is not going to be suitable for kids under the age of 18 why? you ask, well for one adults need a break sometimes 2 there will be drinking games involved adult conversations.  this is just a disclaimer for those who need it 🙂

the event is Thursday 10-24 at 9:30pm(cst)10:30pm(est) RSVP Details here – Event Link

Recap of Beats for Breasts fest event

Beats for Breasts was such a success, $800 was raised to help research breast cancer research, not bad being on mixify a site that isn’t really set for for doing charity events. I worked with some really lovely ladies and looking forward to working with them again. Official shout out goes to Juliet Star for the sponsoring the event as well djing also Julia O, Raichu, Sitich, Kryptonik. “Mixify Girlz”