Night Shift ft TacehT EP Creature Feature 4-8-18

This set was mixed during DJ & Movie theme Creature Feature, this set is perfect for the techno heads who like underground music with a unique style.
hope you enjoy.
This set was preformed on
Catch a live Show of Night Shift DJ& Movie
Every Sunday, 4:30pmPST|6:30pmCST|7:30pmEST on

Five Journeys Vol 1 Mix Tape Series

Five Journeys Vol 1 Mix Tape Series

Its an exclusive Mix Tape Series found on  On Demand on.


Go listen to Five Journeys vol ! go to then go to on the left were it says  Musicvid-Mixtapes then, click on Five Journeys hope you enjoy!

So Many Things! Take a look at the line up

Advo flyer Taceht(4)

So i am having some computer issues on my main desktop (what i use Ableton and my streaming software, and decks )

I wont get to do my shows this weekend, ( plus being on call for work kinda puts a damper in trying to mix live) so in stead my plan is to Fix the computer (desktop) Dye my hair and be on call for my day job,

also working on the Mixtape with Redirect Radio redirectradio.com27750918_10156111439139133_454589390125910382_n


I been asked by Jon Hart of Reason2Funk to do a podcast for them and kindly welcome me to their fam, (thanks Jon!) woot! so much more music to come.. 🙂 28276839_10156211983451103_8050450265414828032_o

so i bring you a new image showing my fams, i’m very excited!

Night Shift With TacehT EP: Sunday Night Delight

If you missed Tonight’s Night Shift Sunday Night Delight show its downloadable

thank you everyone who hung out and supported see you guys soon

more events to be announced.



New EP ” Harvest” soon! info inside

Hello, its been a while since i have posted on my blog of music…..

I have a few updates.

Currently working on the new EP Harvest. A demo of 2 tracks will be available soon via youtube/soundcloud/ Store.

ETA of the EP will be end of Dec/early Jan 2014.

Also I’m pleased to talk bout how on External Radio we are in the hiring state for djs all types of djs. you can check out more info there

I am also currently working on a Score for the  Zygerus project that is keeping me quite busy but very fun to be composing and producing, more details of that will come.

On the Graphics side, long time project divine comedy project i am almost finished with the virtues i do have other art that will be posted and implemented with this project updates will be coming soon ETA Jan 2014 or sooner. you can view finished work so far on

So as you see many projects i have my hands into but every excited bout each and every one of them.

thanks again for everyone’s support

unfs and hugs

TacehT on Youtube
TacehT on
Radio Host @That Nerd Show
DJ @ Entropy Group

Paul discusses External Radio Phase 2

So like TacehT said in this news article, Phase 2 is slowly plopping along. We didn’t expect it to go this slow, but life gets in the way and you gotta handle real life over internet stuff. :) So really the technical breakdown of what’s happening to get us out of Phase 2 pre-launch and moved into Phase 3 –

Web Player on every page.
While technically speaking, it is on every page (in that little green line thingy) a lot of people have expressed hate for it because it looks retarded. Well fine screw all of you is what I say :P but the bigger one you see on will be put in it’s place. You will also be able to click on the DJ’s name and be taken to their profile page which makes it kinda snazzy. This shouldn’t take more than another week at most.

Request Systems
The SMS request system is being a real pain in my toosh. However, I am working on getting that situated but it might not be available at full launch :( Teamspeak just crashes out so I’ve given up on that till a friend of mine works on the code as I’m tired of looking at it hehe. However, what also is being worked on (and completed) is the web request system which is again, much more complex than your average request system. The page will display the current DJ’s playlist and regardless of what software they use to broadcast with, they will get ALL requests you send! This will make it much more easier on you, the listener, as you’ll have just one page to go to and you’ll always see the on air DJ’s request page. This should actually be done mid-late next week.

Mobile and Test streams
These actually don’t take long to setup I’ve just been busy but I will go into a little detail on this. The test streams will obviously be for new DJ’s coming on, for the current DJ’s to test their bandwidth etc. Not much has to be said beyond that really lol. The mobile stream will broadcast at a lower bitrate then our standard 192, Most likely around 96. This will be properly advertised on places like Tunein etc and should make it easy to find. The live stream will always be so if you do use tunein for your phone and you have 4G you can odds are handle 192 so plop it in your favorites and tune in anyways :) But for those still stuck on 3G, which is a lot of you, This will give you the option of still listening even on the go! :)

Hey peoples! The mobile stream will be available starting Wednesday 6/5/13 around 2:30pm PDT! Enjoy 🙂 ~Paul

Cleteus the slack-jawed yokle.
Yeah, he’s around the IRC chat room and being a total prick to everyone. So he’s already going hehe.

Minecraft Update scheduled for 23rd of June
Yes, I’m finally sitting down and doing all this hehe. On June 23rd I will be taking the minecraft server offline for a few hours to perform the full maintenance. This will open up the new spawn world, Creative world, world names, and probably respawn the ender dragon while I’m at it. I wrote a little news article about what to expect with this so go read that instead of having me repeat it. :P

Moving on
Most of this should round out Phase 2 and get us into Phase 3 within the next 2 weeks. Like TacheT said, we know it’s going a lot slower than we expected but life does suck sometimes and we want things to be right out the gate not having to redo a lot of systems as we go along, even though I’m one of those that likes to tinker so it’ll be messed with for years to come hehe.

So there is the update on things going on. Enjoy the rest of the week folks! :)

New Blog,for New ideas

This blog is going to be for when I do live sets on and other internet streams.. I will also use this blog to use for free downloads for music I’m currently working on and album status and heck even random music I find that I want to share with everyone… …

I think this idea is a good one I approve of this message Smile